Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
304stone 304 Alabastro ghiaccione, from Capo Circeo, Latina, Lazio, Italy Compact banded travertine composed of parallel columnar colourless crystals of calcite interbanded with fine grained white calcite.
303stone 303 Alabastro a occhi, locality unknown Brecciated fine-grained compact banded travertine, with acicular and granular bands of calcite, some dark orange-brown coloured.
302stone 302 Alabastro, cotognino a onde, locality not known. Perhaps from Hatnub, Mallawi, or another location in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Compact banded travertine cut parallel to the banding, composed of medium-grained columnar/granular calcite, with a few scattered aggregates of acicular goethite or manganese oxide crystals. Some of the sparry limestone host rock is present. Grey patches contain clay and other debris. Small pink area is filler.
301stone 301 Alabastro fiorito, most probably from the Pamukkale area, Denizli, Turkey Compact banded travertine, brecciated in places, composed of fine- to medium-grained calcite with some orange-brown ferruginous bands. Abundant cavities contain greyish brown wax filler.
300stone 300 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Coarse-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite; note slender orange ferruginous bands often seen in this stone.
299stone 299 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Medium-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite; note slender orange ferruginous bands often seen in this stone. Grey band at one corner is a filler.
298stone 298 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Medium-grained compact banded travertine, very pure and almost entirely composed of calcite.
297stone 297 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Coarse-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite.
296stone 296 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Very coarse-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite.
295stone 295 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Medium-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite. Dark yellow-brown wax filler covers a very narrow ferruginous orange-brown band.
294stone 294 Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Medium-grained compact banded travertine, almost entirely composed of calcite, but note slender orange ferruginous bands often seen in this stone.
251stone 251 Travertino di Monte Catini, from Montecatini Terme, Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy Limestone, brown ferruginous in places, composed of brecciated travertine, algal fragments and other bioclasts. Cavities are mostly filled with sparry calcite.
180stone 180 Marmo palombino di Sestri, from Sestri Ponente, Genoa, Liguria, Italy Limestone; a pel-sparite with what look like birds-eyes, and with scattered molluscan and algal debris. One corner of the specimen has compact banded travertine.
63stone 63 Porporina di villa Adriana, locality unknown Hematite-rich banded limestone with some colourless sparry calcite-filled veins, and abundant cavities which are filled with wax on polished surfaces. Probably extensively recrystallised.
14stone 14 Travertino di Tivoli, travertino Romano, from Tivoli, Lazio, Italy Porous banded travertine deposit, specimen cut parallel with the bedding.
Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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