OUMNH Number: | 100 |
Name and quarry location: | Marmo Greco scritto from Capo de Garde, Annaba (Hippo Regius), Algeria |
Geological description: | A deformed medium to coarse-grained calcite marble. A tectonite showing linear shear fabric. The banding is more continuous than in Corsi no.99. |
Comments: | This appears to be Greco scritto from the ancient city of Hippo Regius in Algeria, a stone that was worked particularly between the first and third centuries AD. The name Greco scritto, used by the scalpellini, alludes to the almost black markings which particularly in Corsi no.99, could be said to resemble Greek lettering. Corsi's sample is too coarse-grained to be a bardiglio from the Apuan Alps of Italy, which can otherwise appear similar. |
References: | Borghini (1997) 237; Mielsch (1985) 60, taf.19; Pensabene (2002) 220-221; Price (2007) 73 |
Further information: |
Corsi's classification: | Class 1. Marbles; Section 2. Veined marbles; Species 2. Cipollino |
Corsi's text: | 46.12 Marmo Cipollino. Marmor Carystium. Nel monte Oco vicino alla città di Caristo v'era la cava d'un marmo chiamato Caristio... marmo Euboico poichè Caristo è nell' isola Eubea oggi Negroponte. |