Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

view of stone 453

Corsi 453, approx. 145 x 73 x 40 mm, © Oxford University Museum of Natural History

OUMNH Number: 453  
Name and quarry location: Breccia del Giannicolo, from Rome, Lazio, Italy  
Geological description: Poorly sorted limestone conglomerate with extensive styolitic suturing of clast boundaries. The matrix is micritic with less forams than no. 454. It has some spar-cemented intraclasts and a few dark grey clasts. Some dendritic manganese oxides are evident on the sides of the specimen.  
Comments: The name pertains to the Janiculum Hill in Rome. Perhaps this is where Corsi found his sample, although it is interesting that he classifies 'breccia del Giannicolo' among his modern marbles in the tabletops at the Natural History Museum in London. It is almost certainly a local breccia, and is very like Breccia di Tivoli, from Tivoli, province of Roma, Lazio, Italy, in the De Santis collection in the Servizio Geologico d'Italia in Rome.  
Further information:

Corsi's classification: Class 1. Marbles; Section 5. Breccias; ii. Italian Breccias  
Corsi's text: 121.32 Altro [Breccia del Giannicolo in Roma]  

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