Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

view of stone 83

Corsi 83, approx. 145 x 73 x 40 mm, © Oxford University Museum of Natural History

OUMNH Number: 83  
Name and quarry location: 'Portasanta', locality unknown  
Geological description: Pink and grey coarse-grained marble; a metamorphosed limestone breccia with sutured clast boundaries and yellowish stylolites.  
Comments: This stone was labelled by Corsi as marmo Porta Santa, probably because it was so-called by the scalpellini of Rome. However it does not appear to be from Chios, and authorities who have seen it disagree about its provenance. William Brindley in the 1880s thought it was from Seravezza in the Apuan Alps of Italy, but more recently Ian MacDonald (McMarmilloyd) noted that the diffuse grey coloration was atypical of Apuan Alps material and thought it most likely to be from a Greek locality.  
Further information: Portasanta.pdf

Corsi's classification: Class 1. Marbles; Section 2. Veined marbles; Species 1. Porta Santa marble  
Corsi's text: 43.7 Porta Santa. Marmor Jasense. La cava era nell' Isola di Jaso dell' Arcipelago sulle coste della Caria nell' Asia minore, per cui da molti scrittori si è anche chiamato marmo Cario.  

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