Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

view of stone 921

Corsi 921, approx. 145 x 73 x 40 mm, © Oxford University Museum of Natural History

OUMNH Number: 921  
Name and quarry location: Lumachella di San Vitale, from the province of Verona, Veneto, Italy  
Geological description: Jurassic limestone; matrix is fossiliferous micrite/microspar with molluscan debris. The large white recrystallised shells are of 'Lithiotis' bivalves.  
Comments: This is an example of lumachella di San Vitale, a Lower Jurassic limestone containing the elongate sparry calcite-filled shells of the reef-forming bivalve Lithiotis. It is named after the village of San Vitale di Roverè, a source cited by both Pollini (1817, 1825) and Jervis (1889), but was also obtained from other locations in the Anguilla, Squaranto and Pantena valleys of Verona, as well as other places to the north and east. This grey variety, which shows considerable recrystallisation, is an excellent example of why this stone is sometimes known in old collections as ossifere - bone marble. It is curious that Corsi did not notice that this sample, and no.548 (misnamed 'gesso di Matelica') are the same stone.  
References: Antonelli (2003); Fraser (2004); Jervis (1889) 144; Price (2007) 168. Other examples: National Museums of Scotland 'ossifere or bone marble'; Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 'Polipede unirognola'.  
Further information: Verona.pdf

Corsi's classification: Class 1. Marbles; Section 2. Veined marbles; Species 10. Grey marbles; i. Ancient grey marbles  
Corsi's text: 63.12/ S14.1 Bigio antico. Marmor Batthium. Bigio brecciato  

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