Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
927stone 927 Alabastro a pecorella, from Aïn Tekbalet district, Oran, Algeria, or perhaps alabastro ciliegino, locality unknown. Compact banded travertine composed of white fine-grained calcite, with coarse-grained areas patchily rich in iron oxides, mainly hematite.
928stone 928 Alabastro a tartaruga, from Montauto, Castelfiorentino, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy Compact travertine composed of fine acicular calcite crystals.
929stone 929 Alabastro a pecorella, from Aïn Tekbalet district, Oran, Algeria. Compact banded travertine composed of coarse-grained calcite, some bands are rich in iron oxides, dendritic growth most evident on the sides of the sample.
930stone 930 Alabastro fortezzino, probably from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Fine-grained compact travertine with some slender orange bands, hosted in a nummulitic limestone.
931stone 931 Alabastro antico, locality unknown Compact banded calcite travertine, heavily contaminated with grains of the host limestone.
932stone 932 Alabastro a pecorella, from Aïn Tekbalet district, Oran, Algeria. Very ferruginous compact banded calcite travertine.
933stone 933 probably Egyptian alabaster, alabastro cotognino, from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Compact banded travertine composed of fairly coarse-grained calcite, extensively iron-stained and with red ferruginous veins.
934stone 934 Alabastro a pecorella, from Aïn Tekbalet district, Oran, Algeria. Compact banded calcite travertine coloured by iron oxide, with dendritic growths of manganese oxides.
935stone 935 Alabastro antico, alabastro verde, locality unknown Compact travertine composed of coarse-grained calcite.
936stone 936 Alabastro antico, locality unknown Limestone breccia. Calcite travertine clasts, and a few gastropod shells, in a micritic (peloidal in places) matrix.
937stone 937 Alabastro antico, locality unknown Compact finely banded calcite travertine, wide paler coloured bands have a more porous texture and contain trapped filler.
938stone 938 Alabastro di Palestrina, from Palestrina, Rome, Lazio, Italy Compact banded travertine composed of acicular calcite crystals, with a ferruginous micritic infill between grains. Cavities in the surface are filled with brown wax, intensifying the colour a little.
939stone 939 Alabastro di S. Felicita, from Santa Felicita, Capo Circeo, Latina, Lazio, Italy A very coarse-grained compact banded calcite travertine, of a pale golden yellow colour.
940stone 940 Alabastro a tartaruga, from Montauto, Castelfiorentino, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy or perhaps Iano di Montaione, Florence, Tuscany, Italy Compact travertine composed of very fine acicular calcite crystals.
942stone 942 Tartaro di Tivoli, from Tivoli, Rome, Lazio, Italy Compact banded travertine composed of fibrous to very finely acicular calcite crystals, perhaps originally aragonite.
Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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