Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
180stone 180 Marmo palombino di Sestri, from Sestri Ponente, Genoa, Liguria, Italy Limestone; a pel-sparite with what look like birds-eyes, and with scattered molluscan and algal debris. One corner of the specimen has compact banded travertine.
691stone 691 Breccia di Torrita, from Torrita Tiberina, near Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate of limestone pebbles, bordering on compact calcite travertine. The cement is calcarenite. There is extensive brown filler.
302stone 302 Alabastro, cotognino a onde, locality not known. Perhaps from Hatnub, Mallawi, or another location in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Compact banded travertine cut parallel to the banding, composed of medium-grained columnar/granular calcite, with a few scattered aggregates of acicular goethite or manganese oxide crystals. Some of the sparry limestone host rock is present. Grey patches contain clay and other debris. Small pink area is filler.
930stone 930 Alabastro fortezzino, probably from one of several quarries at Hatnub, Mallawi, and other locations in the Nile valley, Eastern desert, Egypt. Fine-grained compact travertine with some slender orange bands, hosted in a nummulitic limestone.
322stone 322 Alabastro a giaccione, locality unknown Compact finely banded travertine composed of coarsely crystalline brown calcite coating a fossiliferous limestone. Note the abundant fractures.
352stone 352 'Alabastro dorato d'Orte', locality unknown Coarse to very coarse nearly transparent granular calcite, perhaps a hydrothermal vein deposit rather than a travertine. Some grey micritic limestone matrix is present which contains white grains probably of algae.
936stone 936 Alabastro antico, locality unknown Limestone breccia. Calcite travertine clasts, and a few gastropod shells, in a micritic (peloidal in places) matrix.
441stone 441 Breccia del lago di Como, from Lake Como, Como, Lombardy, Italy Peloidal limestone breccia. The matrix is pale brown transparent calcite, as compact banded travertine in places. Note extensive brown filler/polishing compound.
339stone 339 Alabastro di Palermo, from Palermo, Sicily, Italy Coarse-grained calcite travertine deposit on a bioclastic limestone. Matrix is a calc-rudite-limestone conglomerate dominated by large benthic forams and limestone intraclasts of calcareous algae. Note the stylolites.
341stone 341 marmo rosa dell' Alcenago, from Alsenaso, Val Pantena, Verona, Veneto, Italy Not ‘alabaster’. A fine-grained calcarenite limestone.
509stone 509 'Argilla di Terni', from Terni, Umbria, Italy; or may be Tivoli, Roma, Lazio, Italy Burrowed micrite/microsparite limestone with abundant calcispheres and conspicuous dissolution fabrics (dark seams).
505stone 505 Marmo venato di Tivoli, from Tivoli, Roma, Lazio, Italy Recrystallised, probably originally bioturbated, micritic or microspar limestone with extensive stylolites and calcite filled fractures.
504stone 504 Marmo venato di Tivoli, from Tivoli, Roma, Lazio, Italy Biomicrite with scattered dendritic manganese oxides. Side of specimen shows slumping and intraclasts in stylolitised shelly limestone. Note subsequent extensive fracturing, the fractures calcite-filled.
338stone 338 Marmo rosa di Stalavena, from Stalavena di Grezzana, Val Pantena, Verona, Veneto, Italy Not a travertine and so incorrectly classified as alabaster. This is a bioclast-rich burrowed micritic limestone with stylolites and spar-filled fractures.
63stone 63 Porporina di villa Adriana, locality unknown Hematite-rich banded limestone with some colourless sparry calcite-filled veins, and abundant cavities which are filled with wax on polished surfaces. Probably extensively recrystallised.
Page 2 of 2, showing 101 - 115 of 115 stones.
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