Life Collections: collections database

Details for Collection DALE, J. C. & C. W.

Description: Collection mainly of British insects of unique historic interest begun by J. C. Dale.
Notes: Bequeathed with additions by his son C. W. Dale (a great friend of J. O. Westwood), in 1906 on condition that it should be permanently separate under the name of the "Dale Collection". Originally comprised seven cabinets of British Lepidoptera, three cabinets of foreign Lepidoptera, five cabinets of British Coleoptera, 14 cabinets of British Hymenoptera and Diptera, four cabinets of Odonata, seven or eight cabinets of shells, eggs etc., The Odonata and Orthoptera have been transferred to modern cabinets in the general collection for safety. The collection contains some Types of Lepidoptera, described by J. Curtis, colleted during Sir John Ross's second voyage in search of a north-west passage, 1829-33, a few Selys Odonata Types, some syntypes of Walker Chalcidoidea, a number of Haliday specimens, insects collected in France by Curtis in 1830, and some taken by F. Walker in Sweden and Norway in 1836. There are also four drawers of Wollaston beetles from Madeira, Cape Verde, Canary Islands, and St Helena and five drawers of shells from the Atlantic Islands. Two Bronze celts which had formed part of the Dale Collection were transferred to the Ashmolean Museum in 1961.
Date of Acquisition: 1906
Method of Acquisition: Presented by Dale, C.W.
Size of Collection:
Zoogeographic Region: Palaearctic, Afrotropical

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