Corsi Collection of Decorative Stones

Page 4 of 10, showing 301 - 400 of 1000 stones.
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OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
OUMNH number Name and quarry location Geological description
700stone 700 Verde di Corsica, smaragdite, from near Orezza, Monte San Petrone, Haute-Corse, Corsica, France Metagabbro, the diopside and actinolite-tremolite both coloured bright green by trace chromium.
699stone 699 Pudingo delle Alpi, from the Alps Lithic breccia-conglomerate with siliceous clasts.
698stone 698 Pudingo delle Alpi, from the Alps Well-sorted quartz conglomerate with subsidiary lithic clasts.
697stone 697 Breccia di Roma, from Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate. Clasts are predominantly limestone, but some are dolomitic and some siliceous. The matrix is calcarenite. Some brown is goethite, but some is filler/polishing compound.
696stone 696 Breccia di Roma, from Rome, Lazio, Italy Calcarenite-polymict limestone conglomerate with clear spar matrix. Some darker grains are ?volcanic??, some is dendritic Mn; but also some is brown filler.
695stone 695 Breccia di Perugia, from Perugia, Umbria, Italy Polymict conglomerate with predominantly limestone clasts. Note sutured/styloliitised clast boundaries. Common larger benthic forams, scarcer calcareous algae. Creamy-yellow micritic matrix with microfossils.
694stone 694 Breccia di Roma, from Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate of predominantly limestone pebbles, with abundant green silicate grains in matrix. Green silicate grains are subhedral-euhedral crystals Well-rounded clasts have heavily altered rims. Matrix is white micrite/microcrystalline calcite. Note brown is filler.
693stone 693 Breccia di Roma, from Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate with extensively fractured clasts. These are predominantly limestone; a few are red in colour. Some show 'paesination' - microfracture constrained patterns of ironstaining like pietra paesina, and these also have a rich microfauna. The matrix is calcarenite.
692stone 692 Breccia di Roma, from Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate of diverse limestones and minor chert/chalcedony clasts, fairly well sorted and elongate with some alignment. Matrix is extensively spotted with Fe/Mn, with dendrites around rims of some clasts.
691stone 691 Breccia di Torrita, from Torrita Tiberina, near Rome, Lazio, Italy Polymict conglomerate of limestone pebbles, bordering on compact calcite travertine. The cement is calcarenite. There is extensive brown filler.
690stone 690 Breccia di Sicilia, from Sicily, Italy Conglomerate, with igneous clasts showing altered margins, in limestone matrix with well-preserved microfauna.
689stone 689 Breccia delle Alpi, from the Alps Polymict conglomerate with clasts of quartz, chert and silicified limestone.
688stone 688 Breccia delle Alpi, from the Alps Polymict conglomerate with clasts of quartz, chert and silicified limestone. There is extensive intergrowth suturing about some marble/limestone clasts.
687stone 687 Breccia delle Alpi, from the Alps; or perhaps Breccia di Seravezza, from Seravezza, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Lithic breccio-conglomerate with clasts of dolomitic marble, schist, and other predominantly metamorphic rocks.
686stone 686 Breccia delle Alpi, from the Alps Poorly sorted quartz/quartzite conglomerate with subsidiary lithic clasts. It is silicified, note clay matrix and quartz veins.
685stone 685 Breccia delle Alpi, possibly from the Apuan Alps, Italy Lithic breccio-conglomerate with mainly siliceous clasts including quartz grains, but some of limestone and marble are also present. It is possibly from the Triassic Verrucano Formation.
684stone 684 Breccia delle Alpi, possibly from the Apuan Alps, Italy Polymict conglomerate; most clasts are silicified red limestone and rock crystal, a small proportion are calcareous or dolomitic. It is possibly from the Triassic Verrucano Formation.
683stone 683 'Traccagnina delle Alpi', perhaps from the province of Verona, Italy Breccia-conglomerate of sub-angular to rounded limestone, dolostone and occasional quartz clasts in a ferruginous sparite matrix. Clasts show extensive fracturing.
682stone 682 Pudingo antico, locality unknown Polymict conglomerate with clasts of quartz, chert, silicified limestone, and dolomitic limestone. The matrix is calcareous.
681stone 681 Pudingo antico, locality unknown Poorly sorted synsedimentary breccia/conglomerate. Red clasts are chert, containing igneous grains.
680stone 680 Breccia frutticolosa, from Bourdeau, Savoie, France Conglomerate of diverse limestone clasts. Clasts have been burrowed by marine bivalves. Matrix is calcareous sandstone with ferromagnesium silicate grains of volcanic origin.
679stone 679 Breccia verde d'Egitto, Breccia universale, from Wadi Hammamat, Eastern Desert, Egypt Metaconglomerate of metamorphic and igneous clasts (banded tuff, serpentinite, etc) in a sheared chloritised or epidotised matrix. Note that granitic clasts commonly also occcur in this stone, see 969.
678stone 678 Basalte di Bolsena, from Bolsena, Viterbo, Lazio, Italy Metatuff with abundant quartz and hornblende crystals of varying size up to 2mm in a poorly sorted crystal-lithic matrix. Shows weakly defined flow-banding.
677stone 677 Basalte di Venezia, from Venice, Veneto, Italy 'Greenstone' - a brecciated metabasaltic tuff with calcite veins. Some clasts show weak graded bedding.
676stone 676 Basalte antico, Bekhen-stone, from Wadi Hammamat, Eastern Desert, Egypt Most probably a metagreywacke, a metamorphosed turbidite deposit with sand to silt sized particles.
675stone 675 Basalte fiorita, locality unknown Serpentinised metabasalt with rounded aggregates of crystallites. Some small vesicles are filled with dark calcite.
674stone 674 Basalte listata, possibly from Wadi Hammamat, Eastern Desert, Egypt Most probably a metagreywacke, a metamorphosed turbidite deposit with sand to silt sized particles.
673stone 673 Basalte verde, locality unknown 'Greenstone' - a metabasalt or metabasaltic tuff flecked with iron-rich spots.
672stone 672 Basalte scura, very possibly from Wadi Hammamat, Eastern Desert, Egypt Most probably a metagreywacke, a metamorphosed turbidite deposit with sand to silt sized particles.
671stone 671 Pietra di paragone, Lydian stone, locality unknown Ignimbrite. This fine-grained rock with a streaky texture has occasional crystals of feldspar and a ferromagnesian mineral. It is densely welded.
670stone 670 Obsidian, locality unknown Obsidian. Black glassy rock speckled with round white amygdales or spherulites.
669stone 669 Selce di Roma, from the Capo di Bove, Rome, Lazio, Italy Phonolite lava has small white and black phenocrysts in a fine-grained groundmass.
668stone 668 Selce di Roma, from the Capo di Bove, Rome, Lazio, Italy Altered phonolitic lava, with a few porphyric leucite and biotite crystals.
667stone 667 Lava di Borghetto, from Borghetto, Civita Castellana, Viterbo, Lazio, Italy Phonolite tephrite. A porphyritic rock with euhedral white megacrysts of leucite and scattered black pyroxene crystals in a fine-grained groundmass. The leucite megacrysts are cracked, sometimes concentrically zoned, and contain inclusions of pyroxene.
666stone 666 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Altered (?phonolitic) tephrite. A porphyritic rock with carbonate-replaced feldspathoid crystals. Smaller subhedral crystals after pyroxene speckle the groundmass, which is rich in white carbonate and pink felsic material.
665stone 665 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Altered (?phonolitic) tephrite. It is brecciated, but similar in mineralogy to no. 664. Prominent black pyroxenes occur within and separated from the clasts. These also contain a strongly altered felsic mineral. The matrix is white carbonate, but the lack of rounding of pyroxenes suggests that it has infiltrated the rock, and not entered as a result of fracturing and movement.
664stone 664 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Altered (?phonolitic) tephrite. A porphyritic rock with prominent euhedral megacrysts of black pyroxene, and with an altered euhedral pale mineral forming less obvious phenocrysts. The groundmass is very fine-grained, fawn-coloured, and of indeterminate mineralogy. This sample has some similarities with no. 665 but is lighter in colour, possibly because of alteration.
663stone 663 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Tephrite. A porphyritic rock with euhedral white megacrysts of leucite and subhedral dark green megacrysts of alkali pyroxene, in a very fine-grained groundmass of feldspar and ?feldspathoid set in pale brown matrix. A few yellow ?olivines are visible.
662stone 662 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Mixed rock, possibly from a junction of intermediate and basic magmas. Patches of paler grey microporphyritic rock consisting of feldspars and sub-aligned euhedral pyroxene crystals. These have diffusion rims (containing carbonate) at contacts with the dark streaky-textured coarser rock, which contains larger crystals of feldspar and pyroxene.
661stone 661 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy A porphyritic trachyte, consisting of rounded or stubby white feldspars, glassy laths of plagioclase showing alignment, and subhedral elongate crystals of pyroxene.
660stone 660 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Tuff or basic lava. A dull red, equigranular rock composed principally of pale pink stained feldspar set in very fine dark matrix, with occasional pyroxenes up to 10mm. It has amygdales containing zoned carbonate and red oxide.
659stone 659 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Volcanic breccia with sub-angular clasts of altered fine-grained basic rock and some of vesicular rock. Vesicles have carbonate infills, and some are surrounded by reaction rims which perhaps indicates magma mixing. The streaky texture suggests some plastic deformation.
658stone 658 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Basaltic crystal tuff. A dark grey compact well-sorted rock comprising principally plagioclase with minor subhedral crystals of dark green pyroxene and rare partially altered olivine.
657stone 657 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Ignimbrite. A streaky-textured volcaniclastic rock containing carbonate minerals. It has crystals and crystal clusters of feldspar, pyroxene, opaque mineral, and possibly altered olivine. Half of the specimen has a faint shard structure and possibly some flattened pumice clasts.
656stone 656 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Tuff. Moderately sorted coarse-grained dark crystal-rich ash with rounded grains of plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and rarer grains of an opaque oxide mineral. It has an overall basaltic composition, and may be the unaltered equivalent of no. 654.
655stone 655 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Olivine basalt/trachybasalt. Dark grey porphyritic lava with phenocrysts of plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene (all variably altered) in a fine-grained equigranular matrix. Rounded vesicles have zoned infills of hematite and calcite.
654stone 654 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy An altered pumiceous tuff. Brick-red, carbonate-bearing medium to fine-grained, well-sorted rock with a few larger subangular pumice clasts. No. 656 may be this rock in an unaltered state.
653stone 653 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy An intermediate volcanic rock with abundant phenocrysts of feldspar and sparse pyroxene crystals set in very fine grained grey matrix. The feldspars are strongly aligned. They are probably plagioclase, and so the rock may be a porphyritic andesite.
652stone 652 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy An altered ignimbrite. A poorly sorted breccia with clasts of rusty-brown medium-grained crystalline rock, discrete crystals of altered feldspar, and ferromagnesian minerals, all in a very fine-grained hematite-bearing groundmass. A faint preferred orientation of the clasts is evident.
651stone 651 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy An altered pumice flow breccia. Coarse breccia with clasts of red vesicular rock in pale carbonate matrix. The vesicles are carbonate-filled.
650stone 650 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy An altered crystal-rich ignimbrite. Amygdaloidal microporphyritic rock clasts with altered subhedral phenocrysts of a ferromagnesian mineral and feldspar, are set in very fine-grained dark matrix. Amygdales are rounded or irregular in shape, and many contain carbonate infills which have a banded agate-like appearance. The streaky appearance of paler patches suggests a flattened shard structure.
649stone 649 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Trachyandesite/trachyte. A pale grey porphyritic vocanic or dyke rock with subhedral laths of feldspar showing some alignment, set in a groundmass of feldspar and minor ferromagnesian minerals.
648stone 648 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Ignimbrite. A poorly sorted breccia with clasts of rusty-coloured medium grained crystalline rock, discrete crystals of altered feldspar, and ferromagnesian minerals, all in a very fine-grained hematite-bearing groundmass. There is a faint preferred orientation of the clasts.
647stone 647 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Marble breccia. A low-density breccia with angular clasts of meta-carbonate, and hematite-filled veins. Much of the brown is filler.
646stone 646 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Altered volcanic breccia with a central pale grey fine-grained zone. The large rounded clasts are ferromagnesian-rich volcanic rock, one having a higher feldspar content. The fine-grained zone has a medium-grained leucocratic carbonate-rich core.
645stone 645 Pietra dell'Etna, from Mt. Etna, Catania, Sicily, Italy Altered pumice breccia. Poorly sorted, with clasts up to 50mm, having rounded, carbonate-infilled vesicles.
644stone 644 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Olivine basalt/ankaramite. An altered porphyritic basic volcanic/dyke rock with phenocrysts of subhedral to euhedral pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase. Calcite fills the amygdales.
643stone 643 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Ignimbrite. A devitrified welded rock containing megacrysts of simple and lamellar-twinned feldspars, smaller crystals of ferromagnesian minerals, and fine-grained rounded clasts. The compression of the shards is evident in the side of the specimen.
642stone 642 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Ignimbrite. A devitrified welded rock containing megacrysts of simple and lamellar-twinned feldspars, smaller crystals of ferromagnesian minerals, and fine-grained rounded clasts. The compression of the shards is evident in the side of the specimen.
641stone 641 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A porphyritic lava/dyke rock, probably a trachyandesite, showing a large cognate inclusion with a reaction rim. It has euhedral phenocrysts of pyroxene, feldspar and olivine. The fine-grained groundmass contains the same minerals set in devitrified glass or zeolite.
640stone 640 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Welded tuff. Densely welded and recrystallised, with a dark brown to black streaky texture. A shard structure is faintly visible.
639stone 639 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Volcanic breccia. This slightly altered polygenetic volcaniclastic rock has clasts/tephra which include alkali volcanic types, sediments and possible skarn fragments. It is poorly sorted and structureless, and may be an ignimbrite.
638stone 638 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Altered volcaniclastic sediment. Angular clasts/tephra have various textures and some have black oxide-rich margins. Minor disseminated carbonate is present.
637stone 637 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Silicate-rich skarn, containing green amphibole and fawn-coloured feldspar. Brown areas are filler.
636stone 636 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Silicate-rich skarn with dispersed carbonate and some euhedral crystals in vugs. Fawn-coloured feldspar-bearing) to pale green (amphibole), darker green and black irregular patches (acicular green amphibole and Fe-oxide/spinel).
635stone 635 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Metasomatised carbonate, possibly from a skarn deposit. It is composed of calcite perhaps with dolomite. Fractures contain hematite.
634stone 634 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Silicate-rich skarn with fan aggregates of fibrous green amphibole, and abundant muscovite. It has minor grossular garnet, spinel, and calcite, the latter possibly mixed with dolomite. Pyrite was also present in veins, and its oxidation has resulted in some cracking of the specimen.
633stone 633 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A silicate-rich skarn with dark patches of ?grossular, and possible prehnite and pyroxene. Minor calcite is also present, perhaps mixed with dolomite.
632stone 632 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A calc-silicate skarn, composed of iron-stained brown and pale green granular dolomite/calcite and dark green to black amphibole/chlorite mixture containing scattered aggregates of yellow ?. Carbonate-rich parts contain zones of subhedral pale green crystals which may be prehnite.
631stone 631 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A calc-silicate skarn. It is medium to coarse-grained, and contains irregular patches with concentric zonary structure, interior part of carbonate stained brown in places and acicular crystals of dark green amphibole passing outwards through zone of same mineral assemblage but more granular crystal form into outer zone of white carbonate (aragonite?).
630stone 630 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Carbonate-bearing volcanogenic mudstone with signs of bedding and soft-sediment deformation. It has a network of anastomosing white veinlets, and occasional dark ovoid bodies. Some of these show a concentric structure suggesting they are accretionary lapilli.
629stone 629 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A deformed, veined carbonate-rich rock. The cream tint and red fracture-fill is caused by jeweller's rouge used for polishing, and is not evident on the unpolished side of the specimen. Yellow is wax filler. The cream end of the specimen is a strongly deformed coarse clastic rock with rounded clasts up to 20mm, some containing brown oxide zones, that plastically intrude the other part.
628stone 628 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Carbonate-rich bedded volcanogenic sediment, comprising well-graded light and dark layers at abrupt contact with each other. The light layer has rounded clasts up to 4mm of altered tephra. The two elongated ovoid bodies with concentric structure and crenulate margins, have diffuse margins especially with the lighter layer, and may be metasomatically altered carbonate xenoliths.
627stone 627 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Fine-grained carbonate-rich volcanogenic sediment. The finely laminated dark grey layer is intersected by a network of light coloured veins (possible fluid escape veins). Grey veinlets rise perpendicular from the dark layer, through two intermediate well-laminated layers, into the white band.
626stone 626 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy A carbonate-rich laminated water-lain tuff, probably a volcanogenic sediment. It has alternating dark and light grey layers, the former showing occasional rip-ups. Half of the specimen comprises a dark grey graded coarser layer and a light grey well-graded finer layer; the coarser layer contains aligned dark angular clasts which are possibly fluid-escape veinlets.
625stone 625 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Finely laminated carbonate-rich tuff or volcanogenic sediment. The white laminae are composed of altered ultramafic clasts and black (oxide?) grains. The stone is crossed by later veins with alteration haloes.
624stone 624 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Bedded volcanogenic sediment of calcareous composition throughout, with ovoid clasts up to 30mm of altered ultramafic rock. It has possible ripples and other soft sediment structures with some rip-ups and clasts settled in troughs. One layer comprises clasts of 1-2mm uniformly sized rounded grains.
623stone 623 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Brecciated meta-calcilutite with veins of colourless calcite containing metallic yellow pyrite. It retains signs of soft sediment deformation in darker clasts. Some of the brown may be limonitic but most is filler/polishing compound.
622stone 622 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Brecciated meta-calcilutite with a few spherical two-phase calcite-filled cavities, and with limonitised siliceous veining. Note brown crystals of ?siderite filling cavities on underside of specimen.
621stone 621 Pietra del Vesuvio, from Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Campania, Italy Brecciated meta-calcilutite, with brown limonitic veining, occasionally widening into calcite-limonite-opaque oxide aggregates. Some of the brown may be filler.
620stone 620 Serpentina di Genova, from Genoa, Liguria, Italy Silicified serpentinite. Rounded fragments of serpentinite with abundant euhedral to granular oxide inclusions in minor quartz matrix. The edges of the fragments have blue-green reaction rims.
619stone 619 Serpentina di Corsica, from Corsica, France Strongly-foliated epidote-rich gneiss, probably derived from a basic igneous rock.
618stone 618 Serpentina di Genova, from Genoa, Liguria, Italy Mottled quartz-serpentinite rock. Coarse mottles of green-brown net-veined serpentine in a massive quartz matrix. Note paler rims to serpentine patches.
617stone 617 'Serpentina dell'Elba', from the island of Elba, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy Heavily alterered ?peridotite/pyroxenite; now composed mainly of actinolite.
616stone 616 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps Metagabbro.
615stone 615 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps (not confirmed) A heavily altered calcarenite.
614stone 614 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps Metagabbro?
613stone 613 Serpentina delle Alpi, perhaps serpentina di Valmalenco, from the Alps, and perhaps Valmalenco, Sondrio, Lombardy, Italy Serpentinite with rounded grains and granular aggregates of grey oxide mineral in dirty-yellow to blue-green serpentine. Two weak foliations evident.
612stone 612 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps (not confirmed) Metagabbro?
611stone 611 Verde duro di Massa e Carrara, most probably from the Apuan Alps of Italy Coarse-grained diorite.
610stone 610 'Serpentina dell'Elba', from the island of Elba, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy Actinolite rock, the actinolite in sprays up to a centimetre long. The large dark amphiboles (probably hornblende), also in radiating clusters, result from a later hydrothermal event.
609stone 609 Serpentina verde di Sardegna, from Sardinia, Italy Serpentinite with hints of coarse-grained peridotite microstructure evident in dark domains. Contains scattered crystals of pyrite and disseminated flecks of pale yellow carbonate mineral.
608stone 608 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps Silicified serpentinite breccia. Rounded clasts of granular silicified serpentine in massive quartz matrix, with streaks of cream quartz-dolomite.
607stone 607 'Serpentina delle Alpi', from the Alps, or more probably verde dell'Elba from the island of Elba, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy Ultrabasic rock composed of sprays up to a centimetre long of light green actinolite. These penetrate large dark sprays of amphibole, most probably hornblende.
606stone 606 Serpentine, possibly Sterzinger Serpentin, from Vipiteno (Sterzing), Bolzano, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy Strongly-foliated meta-ultrabasic rock, green domains appear to be finely-recrystallised tremolite/actinolite. Large pinkish-brown augen-shaped grains may be orthopyroxene, altered to varying degrees. Pyrite and chromite/magnetite are abundant.
605stone 605 Serpentina delle Alpi, from the Alps (not confirmed) Serpentinite with disseminated pyrite and with yellow carbonate flecks.
604stone 604 almost certainly verde di Prato, from Prato, Florence, Tuscany, Italy Serpentinised coarse peridotite with very dark olivine domains. Note the reticulated distribution of Fe/Cr oxides, and presence of some pale acicular inclusions.
603stone 603 Serpentina di Cagliari, from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy Serpentinite crossed by a reticulated array of veins rich in black oxide minerals.
602stone 602 Serpentina di Cagliari, from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy Serpentinite crossed by a reticulated array of veins rich in black oxide mineral grains.
601stone 601 'Serpentina dell'Elba', from the island of Elba, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy Metaperidotite, mainly actinolite, but with minor opaque oxide, cut by greyish veins.
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